With the launch of Amazon Supply and Google Shopping for Suppliers, having a functional, viable and compelling e-commerce platform is more important now than ever before for PHCP and PVF wholesalers.
The speed of business in the PHCP and PVF wholesale industry can be blazing fast, with materials flying in and out of the doors faster than most credit departments can handle. Deciding who can have company credit, how much credit and when to pull the plug are daily decisions that impact the bottom line.
What could the recent sale of The Washington Post have to do with PHCP, PVF and HVACR supply houses? Once you understand who bought the newspaper that brought down a U.S. president and what this individual has accomplished, you will understand the threat he poses to supply houses.
On occasion, luck plays a huge role. A couple years ago when the American Supply Association was sealing the deal to hold NetworkASA 2013 in Washington, D.C., the group led by Executive Vice President Mike Adelizzi had no inclination an issue such as tax reform would be up for discussion by Congress.