Since I am now officially old, I get to pontificate on things that I have come to believe are always true in the hydronic-heating business, probably true in the rest of the heating business and certainly true when it comes to wet heat.
Not current events. Those are easy to find. These are more difficult to find, but worth the trip. I hope they fill you with wonder and make you appreciate how far we’ve come in this fascinating industry.
I was in Santa Monica, Calif., on a short vacation when Bob called to tell me Ray died.
I hadn’t seen Ray in years, but I think about him every time I walk up to the front of a seminar room. I always look around to see if he’s there, and I always sweat a bit, thinking he might be. And here’s why.
Steamist Total Sense Collection now offers innovative steambath options, including a touchscreen TSC-450 digital control as well as Bluetooth technology for its AudioSense option.