I’m in the last 20 months of doing seminars and that has me reflecting on the places I’ve been and the sometimes strange and always wonderful things I’ve seen when it comes to heating.
Since I am now officially old, I get to pontificate on things that I have come to believe are always true in the hydronic-heating business, probably true in the rest of the heating business and certainly true when it comes to wet heat.
Not current events. Those are easy to find. These are more difficult to find, but worth the trip. I hope they fill you with wonder and make you appreciate how far we’ve come in this fascinating industry.
This goes back a bunch of years, but the horror remains as raw and smelly now as if did then, and I can’t blame the airlines. It was the alphabet’s fault. Before we get to that, let’s talk a bit about your body. If you’re sitting while reading me, this means you are currently alive.
So I walk into this loft apartment on Fifth Ave. in lower Manhattan and the first thing I see are three enormous video monitors spread across a semicircular desk. They’re attached to a film-editing system that would make Francis Ford Coppola smile, but instead the owner of that system smiles and says hello.