Cox ProGroup LLC, based in Huntersville, N.C., has been formed as a dedicated manufacturers representative agency to represent plumbing products exclusively to Ferguson, Newport News, Va.
CE Franklin Ltd. (Calgary, Alberta) announced it revised transaction terms downward for the purchase of Houston-based PVF distributor Wilson International from its parent company, Smith International.
Siemens AG, a Germany-headquartered global electronics and engineering company with worldwide sales of more than $80 billion, has completed its acquisition of the US Filter Corp. from the French parent, Veolia Environmental.
On September 30, the Dept. of Commerce announced the preliminary find that Mexican, Chinese and Korean producers/exporters have sold subject merchandise in the U.S. market at less than fair value, with margins ranging from 14.93% to 31.34% for Mexico, a margin of 73.17% for the PRC, and margins ranging from 1.19% (de minimis) to 6.49% for Korea.