It's not just ordinary carbon steel anymore for refineries and many other PVF users in process industries that generate hydrogen fluoride (HF), a poisonous gas that when dissolved in water produces hydrofluoric acid.
John Stupp Jr., executive vice president and COO of Baton Rouge, La.-based Stupp Bros. and CEO of Stupp Corp., will assume the additional duty of president of Stupp Corp.
The U.S. International Trade Commission determined that the U.S. industry is threatened with material injury by imports of non-malleable cast iron pipe fittings from China sold in the United States at less than fair value.
Investigators from the U.S. Dept. of Justice, along with counterparts from Canada, Japan and the European Union made coordinated raids in mid-February on 14 chemical companies around the world that produce stabilisers and other components used to make PVC.
The Process Industries Exposition has decided not to hold its 2003 event scheduled for March 31 to April 2 in New Orleans owing to "current economic conditions."
The original owners of Colonial Mechanical Corp. of Richmond, Va., and Webb Technologies of Norfolk, Va., bought those companies back from Akron, Ohio-based FirstEnergy Corp.
Cooper Cameron (Houston) has acquired Nutron Industries of Edmonnton, Alberta, a privately-held valve manufacturer, for a reported $50 million in cash.