Tube Co. said that four-time shuttle astronaut and United Space Alliance COO,
Dan Brandenstein, visited its Trent Mill in recognition for the AL-6XN® tubing
provided for NASA’s Constellation program.
Red Man Holding Corp., with offices in Tulsa, OK, and Charleston, WV, filed a
registration statement with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission on Aug.
19 in which it announced an initial public offering of all of the shares of its
common stock.
International says that its working alliance with ISAT (International
Seismic Application Technology) meets the needs of recently adopted
requirements issued by the International Building Code (IBC) as they relate to
enhanced seismic protection of buildings.
Georg Fischer Piping Systems announced that F.W. Webb Co. (Bedford, MA) has
been selected to distribute COOL-FIT ABS and COOL-FIT ABS Plus for cooling and
refrigeration product in New England.
The U.S. Dept. of Commerce issued a preliminary determination Aug. 28
that Chinese imports of welded austenitic stainless steel pressure pipe were
dumped at a margin of 22.03%.
U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC) in June imposed hefty countervailing
duties ranging from around 30% to more than 600% on Chinese exports of standard
and structural steel pipe.
Harvel Plastics, a U.S. manufacturer of PVC and CPVC industrial
piping, duct systems and other thermoplastic extrusions, appointed Patrick
Foose chief operating officer.