The Make-A-Wish Foundation‚ of Metro New York honored Michael Senter, chief executive officer of ABCO Refrigeration Supply Corp., a Luxaire‚ heating, ventilating and air conditioning distributor based in Long Island City, NY, at a gala event in New York City in May.
Taco has begun construction of a 64,900-sq.-ft. addition to its manufacturing and corporate facility in Rhode Island, which will serve as a warehouse for shipping and distribution.
Gustave A. Larson Co., Pewaukee, WI, held a “Partners in Excellence and Quality” awards dinner May 10 for the top supplier salespeople in each of its four regions for 2005.
U.S. factory shipments of unitary air-conditioners and heat pumps by first quarter's end of this year totaled 1,979,988 and were up 19% from January - March 2005.
Standex ADP hired Sergio Flores Zamora as a member of its sales department. He will be employed by Standex De Mexico and be responsible for sales in the southwest United States.
Selkirk Canada named Al Renaud the new manufacturer's agent for the provinces of Alberta and British Columbia after announcing Ron Woolhouse's decision to relinquish his position with the company in April.
Danfoss added Jeff Kernaghan and Scott Mangum to its sales force. Kernaghan joins Danfoss after 16 years as the hands-on owner of a residential air-conditioning contracting business based in northeast Philadelphia.
AirAdvice expanded its coaching and sales support teams. Tom Baxter is an Indoor Air Quality Association (IAQA) Certified Indoor Environmentalist (CIE).