In the year 2023, we know we must include a finish on every faucet from any vendor. The same as when we order an automobile, chair or lighting. Adding colors to any piece makes it special and in many instances the color is more important than any other look that product offers.
Color is so important and so individual, that a red indoor paint search on Sherwin - Williams' website delivers more than 140 related colors.
Every quarter the first thing I do to put together that report is to pull down the most recent ASA Monthly Economic Report and Monthly Sales Report from (both are readily available in the Business Intelligence section of the MyASA members' only portal at
Nothing gives me better insight to the state of our industry and where the industry is headed.
Heart disease refers to a variety of conditions that affect the heart — from infections to genetic defects and blood-vessel diseases. Most heart disease can be prevented with healthy lifestyle choices, yet it’s still the number one health threat in the world!
The promotional offers show up every year and I always wonder whether they work? I suppose some do because the manufacturers repeat them. Buy a bunch of boilers, get a winter coat. Or work boots, or whatever. But does that really motivate the contractors to buy that particular brand?
An exit strategy is a contingency plan for a person to exit a business in the event that it meets a substantial profit or it becomes no longer profitable. Investors, business owners, traders, or venture capitalists may plan exit strategies when become involved with a business. The purpose of an exit strategy is to limit losses or maximize personal profit when the exit occurs.
The Great Ideas Roundtable session at NETWORK2022 in Chicago was a popular place to be. I usually try to sit in with a table to hear first-hand what hot-button topics come up among distributor, rep and manufacturer members, but this year’s session drew such a large crowd that I didn’t want to take a seat from a participating member.
If you’ve been following my columns thus far, you already know that marketing your business can be a challenging yet rewarding venture. While there is no one-size-fits-all formula for success, let’s take a look at some common mistakes you should be aware of in order to maximize the effectiveness of your marketing efforts.
All too often, what appears to be a minor sprain or strain escalates to a recordable injury because the only alternative for the employee is a trip to the ER or doctor’s office. Invariably the visit results in an anti-inflammatory or muscle relaxant prescription and/or chiropractic therapy; both defined by OSHA as recordable.
With all of the goings on over the last two years, many of us have lost sight of our customer base undergoing a significant change. Baby Boomers have moved into the background as Millennials are entering their prime earning time and make up a significant portion of decorative plumbing showrooms' professional and homeowner customers.
When it comes to keeping your finger on the pulse of the economy, ASA chief economist Dr. Chris Kuehl does just that through his live monthly ASA economic update webinars (a free member benefit) and through his three-times-a-month podcasts (also a free member benefit) where Dr. Kuehl zeroes in on a specific topic of great interest to ASA members.