After noticing inventory and financial anomalies, Taco Comfort Solutions conducted an internal investigation and uncovered evidence of misappropriation of company assets from their Cranston, RI manufacturing facility.
Sales representative firm HEBCO, Inc. of Independence, Missouri has been awarded the Milwaukee Valve’s 2021 Ron Stockstell Memorial Award for quarter-turn sales growth in 2020.
Anyone else cringe a little when you get the weekly iPhone notification: “Your weekly screen time report is available?” I for one, am always hoping to see, “Your screen time was down by X%,” but that’s not often the case.
The company’s sales were $579 million for the fourth quarter of 2020, which was 1% lower than the third quarter of 2020 and 24% lower than the fourth quarter of 2019.
Multifamily starts are expected to fall 11% this year to 349,000 units from a projected total of 392,000 in 2020. The downturn will be short-lived, as multifamily production is expected to post modest gains in 2022, up 5 percent to 365,000 units.