Jomar Valve named Noah Dinger as VP of sales, John Keep as a marketing content specialist and Lauren Berenato as the new national specifications manager.
ASA is kicking 2019 off strong and is well on its way to reach its eight consecutive year of net membership growth and continues to strengthen its partnerships with industry buying groups, including Omni Corporate Services, which recently merged with Equity Plumbing and IMARK Group.
For the past six months, three association issue strategic action teams (ISATs) met to think deep about solutions that the association can deploy to support ASA membership in finding labor solutions to future technology challenges, and strategic support and direction needed to compete 10 years from now.
p>Midland Metal Mfg. announced Scott Bardreau has joined the company as chief sales officer for its growing platform of companies which includes Anderson Metals Corp., and Buchanan Rubber. Bardreau spent the previous 12 years with Matco-Norca as vice president of sales and marketing.
The Wayne, Pennsylvania-based AD buying and marketing group recently reported an 11% increase in member sales across 12 AD divisions, totaling $41.4 billion in 2018. Purchases from AD suppliers grew by 13% in 2018.