Plumbing Distributors Inc. (PDI) announced the acquisition of West Georgia Plumbing Supply, a wholesale-distributor in Columbus, Georgia, effective May 10.
Bradford White announced its partnership with Plumbers Without Borders, a grassroots non-profit organization working to increase global access to safe water and sanitation.
Plumbing leak detection technologies with automatic shutoff have been available for years. But recently, more customers are demanding devices and a greater number of brands are entering the market.
In an effort the help distributor members better understand the needs and adapt to evolving expectations of contractor customers, the American Supply Association’s D.NEXT Lab team at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign conducted research focused on contractor purchasing habits, ordering and receiving preferences at distributors, big-box retailers and online.
The Home Depot and The Home Depot Foundation, alongside Klein Tools and SkillsUSA, celebrated SkillsUSA's National Signing Day with students from across the Southeast via its Path to Pro program, which provided scholarships to six students entering the skilled trades.
When I was in middle and high school, I always worried about the gas valves that were at my work station during science/chemistry classes. What if an explosion occurred? What if someone left the valve open? Do these things even work?
As a long-time member of in ASA’s Emerging Leaders Division, I can honestly say that it was one of the best experiences I had in the early years of my career.
I was visiting Salem Plumbing Supply in Beverly, Massachusetts, for the first time and had not a clue where to go. As I approached a counter sales person, Ralph Sevinor, the owner and one fine gentleman, saw me and grabbed my arm and said, “I want to show you something.