ASHRAE proposed changes that would have added the provision of addendums “D” and “H” of ASHRAE 15 to the 2021 edition of the IAPMO Uniform Mechanical Code.
There are four remaining state-written plumbing codes used in the United States. You could say that the remaining four states are just stubborn. Maybe they think they do it better than the model plumbing codes, but they don’t.
During the ICC hearings this spring in Dallas, the Plumbing Code hearing (discussed in last month’s column) was straddled by the Fuel Gas and Mechanical Code hearings. The first hearing was on the Fuel Gas Code.
Thanks to the new process, the ICC code hearings for the plumbing, mechanical and fuel gas codes are only held once every three years. So the last week of April and first week of May was it for next three years.