Getting your technical ducks in a row is important in this business of ours. Hey, folks are going to ask questions and it’s good to have correct answers for them. It’s what adds value to our flesh and bones.
H.C. Oswald Supply is in an old brick building sitting swat on a street in the Bronx less than three miles from Yankee Stadium. Oswald started its business in 1923 just a decade after the New York Yankees showed up, and they, too, have a grand history.
I love the odd-numbered years because they contain ISH Frankfurt. This year was my 12th consecutive visit to that enormous hydronic feast. Which is not to say ISH is only about hydronics.
I was in Santa Monica, Calif., on a short vacation when Bob called to tell me Ray died.
I hadn’t seen Ray in years, but I think about him every time I walk up to the front of a seminar room. I always look around to see if he’s there, and I always sweat a bit, thinking he might be. And here’s why.