NSF International Standard 53 is internationally recognized as the benchmark for water filtration systems’ effectiveness in reducing specific health-related contaminants.
ASA's Advocacy initiatives focus on representing its members and the entire PHCC and PVF supply chains in developing model codes that impact those supply chains.
ASA Codes and Standards team attended major meetings in 2024 to represent members. ASA is a voting member on ASME A-112 Standard Committee, which develops plumbing standards.
Jim Kendzel was appointed to serve as a voting member on two key ASHRAE standards committees having a direct impact on both the PHCP and PVF supply chains.
Some of you are probably aware of the model code process and how it impacts the supply chains we are involved, but I thought I would take the time to explain how it may impact your business.
During this last quarter, I have had the opportunity to be part of an aggressive development project related to revisions to existing Product Category Rules (PCRs) for the following plumbing fixtures: electronic bidet seats, residential toilets, commercial lavatory faucets, commercial toilets, and commercial urinals.
I have participated in both U.S. and international codes and standards development for over 40 years and, although the process can be cumbersome, and, yes, a bit frustrating, I believe in the basic principles of consensus and due process which are the foundation of all valid standards and codes development processes.