“American Plumber Stories,” a YouTube docuseries hosted by Craig Morgan, aims to promote plumbing as a career. Directed by Spencer Brown of Pfister, it has become a cultural symbol for the plumbing community, inspiring trade school teachers to incorporate it into their curriculum and receiving positive feedback for its impact.
Disastrous weather events becoming more frequent; plumbing companies doing their part to help nation recover.
October 17, 2024
The East Coast has suffered severe damage from Hurricanes Helene and Milton, leading to extensive destruction, fatalities, and power outages. These hurricanes highlight the impact of climate change on storm severity, driven by warmer Atlantic waters. This situation underscores the urgent need for the PHCP-PVF industry to adapt to the challenges of increasingly intense storms.
For the first time, the show has ventured outside the United States, creating great excitement about reaching an international audience—especially the next generation of plumbers.
Manufacturers’ representative Specified Systems and REHAU teamed up to donate RAUPEX crosslinked polyethylene (PEXa) pipe, EVERLOC+ compression-sleeve fittings and F1960 cold expansion fittings to the $18 million new training facility.
“American Plumber Stories” aims to promote the plumbing trade to the next generation of professionals. The show highlights the stories of plumbers around the nation, including how they got started in the plumbing trade and the passion they have for their profession.
The primary cost savings are associated with reduced diameter water service entrances, interior cold water mains/branches, interior hot water mains/branches, fittings, labor, and appurtenances.