The American Supply Association announced the merger with the Pacific Southwest Distributors Association, a long-time regional affiliate of the national association. The new affiliate, the Southwest Pacific Distributors (SWPD), will drive a mission to deliver the benefits and value of the national association coupled with the value of local networking directly to the distributors, manufacturers and manufacturers representatives throughout the region. “The current members in the region are market leaders driven to strengthen the long-term success of our industry,” said SWPD Chairman Bob Berumen of Hirsch Pipe & Supply. “The strength in this new partnership is being local businesses now backed with a national network of valuable resources that will benefit our members. Another benefit is that instead of being focused on sustaining a formal operation, we can focus now on delivering resources to our members and advancing issues that makes sense.”

SWPD now offers members in the region a strong opportunity to get connected, get informed and gain insight through a national industry partner that can assist in building a network of industry thought leaders. “The benefit of this new, exciting partnership, to ASA, is the deepening of engagement by industry partners throughout the Pacific Southwest that will enable the national association to tackle important issues such as labor recruitment and stronger business intelligence,” ASA CEO Mike Adelizzi said. “We are excited about the possibilities.”