American Supply Association’s inaugural Alice A. Martin Woman of the Year Award was presented to Ashley Martin, NIBCO, at the ASA Women in Industry ELEVATE2019 Spring Conference. The award was created with the goal of recognizing women in the PHCP/PVF industry who have record of significant accomplishment within the industry, and embody the character of the late Alice Martin. Examples of this include: Embracing education and encourage inventive ideas; promoting women within our industry; inspire others through her work and example; and being a bold leader that others emulate.

Alice had been with NIBCO since 1984, serving in a variety of roles. Alice was the president and co-founder of the Rex and Alice A. Martin Foundation, a charitable foundation headquartered in Elkhart, Indiana, which donates to major projects for children. Throughout the years, she was honored many times for her leadership and philanthropy. A champion of women’s rights, Alice also founded the Women’s Leadership Group at NIBCO. She was also active in ASA’s Women in Industry Division since its inception.

Ashley is vice president of sales and an officer of the Board of Directors of NIBCO, as well as a co-founder of the ASA Women in Industry Division. Upon creation of this Division, as well as this event, Ashley worked hard to advocate internally at NIBCO to fund Spring Conference and led by example to other manufacturers to support the new division. Ashley was influential in landing keynote speakers for conferences with both her financial and persuasive resources.

Ashley embodies and carries through her roles within the industry NIBCO’s culture of fostering inventive ideas and education. Long before ASA established a Women in Industry division, Ashley participated in NIBCO’s Women’s Group, known for promoting women within their organization. Alice led the charge on promoting women within their company to key positions, which is carried through in Ashley. Ashley continues Alice’s legacy in all that she does. The industry is better because of them both.