
I’ve noticed that around this time of the year, employees start to become less motivated and productive. I think at least part of it has to do with their spending a lot of time discussing nonwork items, such as the Super Bowl and “March Madness.” Aside from disciplining employees for wasting too much time talking about nonwork matters, what are positive solutions I can use to keep employees motivated?


There are a number of positive strategies employers can use to keep employees motivated. First, employers should help others see how their jobs and accomplishments make a difference and contribute to the company’s success. Employees who feel that they are making a positive difference will be more motivated to continue working hard and helping the company succeed.

Employers can also offer personal, team, and companywide recognition when employees accomplish major goals or produce exceptional work. Managers should recognize individual good work on a consistent basis. Recognizing employees on all levels of the company—not just management or long-time employees — is important in keeping motivation and morale high.

Introducing incentives or rewards for exceptional performance is another way to motivate employees. This could include a salary increase, a bonus, a vacation or other gifts. Employers should be sure to tailor incentives to the employee’s job duties to make them as effective as possible. Employers can give these incentives on a timely basis related to good performance rather than once per year.

Finally, employers can simply ask employees what the company could do to make them more motivated to do their jobs. Employee surveys can reveal meaningful insights. Remember, discipline is not the only way to ensure employees are staying on track. Implementing positive strategies can both keep employees motivated to work hard and create a fulfilling work environment that employees enjoy being part of.