National Standard Plumbing Code committee has scheduled a public hearing for Thursday, Aug. 26 at the Fairview Park Marriott in Falls Church, Va., beginning at 8 a.m. EST.
Not all Hispanics working in construction are undocumented immigrants working at trade labor levels, said Rick Schwolsky, editor-in-chief of El Nuevo Constructor, a Spanish-language magazine distributed to 35,000 Hispanic and Latin contractors.
The Radiant Panel Association will set up its Radiant House exhibit at the 2004 ISH North America conference and expo to be held Oct. 13-17 at the new Boston Convention Center.
Midwest Distributors Association has revised its logo from MDA to MwDA, following a decision to protect the trademark rights of the Muscular Dystrophy Association, which is also known as MDA.
Atlas Copco, a global industrial group of companies based in Stockholm, Sweden, said it plans to sell its electric tool business, which consists of two divisions: AEG Electric Tools, acquired in 1991, and Milwaukee Electric Tool, acquired in 1995.