Building a leadership bench is no easy task. Valued employees should be recognized and promoted from within, but what do you do if they aren’t quite qualified for the position?
If you are like me, you read the article titled “How committed is your organization to training” in our ASA News section in the May issue of Supply House Times with a degree of alarm and concern.
This year’s Emerging Leaders event was hosted by Viega. Attendees were taken to Broomfield, Colorado to tour Viega’s brand-new state-of-the-art training center and get a look at the company’s adjacent state-of-the-art corporate headquarters.
By definition, the ASA Women in Industry Division’s primary mission is to provide practical guidance, direction and education to help women in the PHCP/PVF industry reach their personal and professional goals.
I received a package within only weeks of starting as a trainee at Ferguson. Our branch operations manager dropped a stack of American Supply Association (ASA) training manuals onto my shipping workspace in the warehouse.