For the past six months, three association issue strategic action teams (ISATs) met to think deep about solutions that the association can deploy to support ASA membership in finding labor solutions to future technology challenges, and strategic support and direction needed to compete 10 years from now.
In one of the most important meetings in its 50 years of existence, the American Supply Association took the next steps forward toward fortifying the industry’s long-term future as it relates to three mega goals.
Why did International Business Machines become IBM? Or Apple Computes, why did it simply become Apple? Or how about CINTAS? Why is CINTAS no longer Cincinnati Towel and Apron Service. And most recently, why is Dunkin Donuts, dropping Donuts, and just becoming Dunkin?
The ASA Women in Industry is a standing division of the American Supply Association, with a mission to provide practical guidance, direction and education to help women in the PHCP/PVF industry reach their personal and professional goals, and attract a more diverse workforce to the PHCP/PVF industry.
OSHA 300 logs (300, 300A and 301) document the workplace injury and illness records and ensure they are properly displayed for employees and appropriate management to view. The following are some key aspects of understanding when and how to complete the logs.
We are in an age where every distributor must be asking themselves, “What is their next?”. We understand and honor the history and the success that all of our businesses have enjoyed.