When it comes to weather and climate disasters, the clock is ticking. As the likelihood of a major climate event impacting your business surges higher each year, disaster recovery planning is critical.
The American Supply Association's distributor membership continues to expand with the recent addition of Salem Plumbing Supply and Able Plumbing Supply.
During an ASA Strategic Planning Retreat, ASA volunteers discussed the state of the practice when obtaining digital product data from manufacturers to be utilized by distributors.
The American Supply Association’s charge is to be our indispensable partner as we navigate the course of change. If you’re not an ASA member, now is the time.
The PHCC Educational Foundation recently announced the six plumbing students who received top honors in the plumbing competition during the annual SkillsUSA National Leadership and Skills Conference.
Today’s world is becoming increasingly more divided and those of us in the PHCP/PVF industry are not at all shielded from the divisiveness by living and working within our own bubble.
Maybe the most meaningful but unexpected benefits I’ve found in serving as your ASA president this year is the opportunity to learn about the rich history of our industry and our association.