Throughout 2024, the construction industry is anticipating slowdowns in several sectors, and distributors are preparing for a good year, but not one that mirrors the record numbers of 2022 and 2023.
A. O. Smith announced that David Chisolm, vice president of marketing and customer experience, has been promoted to vice president and general manager of APCOM and Water Systems in Franklin, Tennessee.
The AHR Expo, dubbed HVACR’s largest event of the year, returns to Chicago’s McCormick Place Jan. 22-24. The annual event brings together manufacturers, suppliers, contractors and engineers to share ideas and show case the future of HVACR and plumbing technology.
There is no shortage of industry patrons who’ve been impacted by Dan Holohan — manufacturers, reps, plumbers, and fellow writers alike. His love for teaching, writing, giving back and just undeniable kindness have left a mark.
PHCP-PVF experts remain positive for the outlook of this year, citing technology advancement, housing demand and the societal push toward greenhouse gas emission elimination as reasons for expected growth.