Supply House Times traveled to Lebanon, Tennessee to chat with Lochinvar executives, including Director of Marketing Michael Troka, Program Manager-Product Development Robert Wiseman, Product Program Manager Mike Juhnke and Product Coordinator Jonathan Baggett.
As Supply House Times went to press just before the Christmas and New Year’s holiday, volunteer leaders of the American Supply Association began to put the finishing touches on arguably the association’s most important initiative ever, tackling three mega issues and providing long-term sustainable solutions to them that will strengthen member companies and as a result the industry in general long-term.
Chicago-based MIFAB welcomed Dan Hunt as its new Northeast regional sales manager, Ryan Moore as Southeastern U.S. regional manager and Kevin Wong to the newly created position of Canadian national specifications manager.
Supply House Times sat down with four distinguished AIM/R rep members during the association’s recent 46th Annual Conference at the Meritage Resort and Spa in Napa, California, for an exclusive roundtable interview focused on key issues PHCP reps are facing in the marketplace.
Merfish Pipe & Supply President and CEO Gerald Merfish recalls hearing the late University of Texas football coach Darrell Royal respond to a question about changing quarterbacks heading into the Cotton Bowl in Dallas, Texas.