My final urging to you is that you don’t stop getting involved with ASA just there, and that you go beyond participating to volunteering to help with ASA programs either at the regional or national level.
My No. 1 goal as 2020 ASA president is to drive ASA programs deeper into our member organizations so our members and their employees can “get in the game!”
As I have previously emphasized, my No. 1 goal as 2020 ASA president is to drive ASA programs deeper into our member organizations so our members and their employees can “get in the game!”
My number-one goal as 2020 ASA president is to drive ASA programs deeper into our member organizations so our members and their employees can "get in the game!"
The first line of the ASA long-term strategic plan reads: “Associations operate in ever-changing environments and are continually challenged to meet the needs of their members.”
My goal as 2020 ASA president is to help drive ASA programs deeper and deeper into our member organizations so that more of our members’ employees and customers are getting the full benefit of ASA.