Happy New Year everyone. For those of you that may not know me, I am Jim Kendzel and I serve as the Director of Codes and Standards for the American Supply Association (ASA). In addition, through a partnership agreement between ASA and HARDI, I also represent HARDI in codes and standards activities. I have over 40 years of experience in the development of codes and standards impacting the plumbing, HVAC, and PVF markets and I am proud to bring that experience to both ASA and HARDI members by bringing their voice to the development process.

When Supply House Times reached out to me to ask if I would consider writing a quarterly column providing readers with updates on what is happening in the world of codes and standards I jumped at the chance. So beginning with this introductory column I will begin providing you with what I hope to be valuable information on codes and standards changes impacting your business. As I think about what I would like to accomplish in my writings I have set the following objectives:

  • Ensure that you are aware of codes and standards changes that impact your ability to sell products and provide you opportunities to ensure those changes have a positive impact on your business;
  • Provide answers to your questions related to codes and standards impacting the products you sell; and
  • Provide insight on how future directions of codes and standards development may provide new opportunities your business.

codes updates

My reporting will be broad and diverse and hopefully, cover all of the codes and standards activities impacting SHT readers. The following are examples of the codes and standards organizations I am currently involved to provide you an idea of the breadth and depth of my involvement: American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), American Society of Sanitary Engineering (ASSE), American Water Works Association (AWWA), ASHRAE, Green Building Initiative (GBI), International Association of Plumbing & Mechanical Officials (IAPMO), International Code Council (ICC), National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), NSF International and UL. In addition, I will be reporting on Federal and state regulatory activities associated with the incorporation of the national product standards and model codes enacted through legislative or regulatory action. At the Federal level, I focus on the Department of Energy and U.S. EPA activities, especially related to their Energy Star and Watersense programs.

2022 represents the completion of a model code revision cycle for both the ICC and IAPMO model codes covering plumbing, mechanical systems, buildings, and fire safety. My plan is to cover in my columns this year an overview of the changes to these model codes that will have an impact on the markets you serve. The model code changes will be issued in 2023 for incorporation by state and local agencies into regulation.  

In addition to keeping you informed on changes to codes and standards, I do have the objective of making this column interactive and provide an opportunity for Supply House Times readers to drive content. In order to accomplish this objective, I obviously need your help. I encourage you to send me any questions or concerns you might have related to codes and standards that I can address in my columns. If you have a question or concern, you can be assured that others also have that same question or concern. Your questions can include areas related to product design, product testing and certification, marketing and labeling, system design and installation, maintenance, etc. Your involvement in reaching out to me will ensure this column has significant value. Please reach out to me at jkendzel@asa.net.

I am proud to serve the PHPC, PVF and HVAC wholesale-distribution community and am looking forward to contributing to the already valuable content provided by the Supply House Times family. So, until my next column, I wish all of you a happy, successful and healthy 2022.