Since Memorial Day this year, Dirk Beveridge, distribution expert and founder of UnleashWD — a design, innovation and strategy firm that helps distributors become market leaders — has been touring the U.S. in his 38-foot RV visiting independent distributors across various industries.
In the early 1980s, I bought a multi-location, contractor-supply distributor. The employees were panicked about a new owner from outside the industry. But — thanks to Customer Advisory Boards (CABs) — we all won big.
I recently came across an interesting webinar that caused me to think about the mindset of running your business as if you were preparing to sell it. That’s probably controversial to some readers! Some owners might initially take a defensive posture, “I’m not selling. Why would I think that way?”
APR Supply Co. announced that it is has been named to the Central Penn Business Journal’s 25th annual list of the Top 50 Fastest Growing Companies in Central Pennsylvania.
For the third year, APR Supply Co. President & CEO Scott Weaver, along with fellow cyclist Lebanon-based attorney Jeff Arnold joined forces with Ameriprise Financial to raise almost $32,000 by participating in the 13th Annual Alzheimer’s Association — A Ride to Remember.
AD hosted its virtual Finance, HR & IT Summit from June 7-8, welcoming a record 310 attendees from 133 member companies across all of AD’s 13 divisions in the U.S., Canada and Mexico.
So what do 130 leading PHCP-PVF distributors all have in common? They are all engaged in taking advantage of the continually growing value that ASA University offers to train their teams.
When it comes to developing a growth strategy, distributors must be mindful of their actual capabilities in each of the seven essential process groups regardless of current market conditions.