Improvement is rarely something that’s done in leaps and bounds or fits and starts. Improvement must be a continuous, everyday process. It’s something that you have your eye on every day.
The Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) enforces hazardous materials transportation operations with oversight by the Department of Transportation (DOT).
The May issue is an exciting one. The first order of business is Supply House Times’ annual Premier 150 distributors list. As you can predict, sales skyrocketed for many PHCP-PVF distributors throughout fiscal year 2021.
I asked some friends in the industry, who work in cities, how they manage to do what they do, what with the traffic, lack of parking and high-stressed inhabitants. What they had to say made me shiver.
Any business can install factory displays side by side, set a few toilet, cabinet, mirror and faucet looks and declare the space a decorative plumbing showroom.
CONNECT offers a solution that provides professionals in 10 vital job functions an ability to meet online in monthly peer-to-peer-facilitated sessions led by The Distribution Team’s Jason Bader and Marshall Jones to discuss common challenges, gain insight and practical solutions, and learn from peers on critical topics. Available CONNECT communities include: accounts receivable managers, finance managers, human resources managers, operations managers, technology managers and training managers. These six communities are open to all ASA member companies (distributors, manufacturers, reps and master distributors).
For most of my career I’ve heard lay people say that it doesn’t pay to turn down the heat when they’re away from home because it takes much more heat to heat the house up again once it goes cold. They believe this because someone told them it’s true, even though it’s not true.
I’m happy to see the PHCP-PVF industry taking every chance it gets to shout the importance of what you do, work together for the greater good, and give back in numerous ways.
At times, our thoughts can feel like they’re racing faster than the traffic around us while we’re on the road – but letting our minds stray behind the wheel is a form of distracted driving. Mental distractions can be just as dangerous as physical ones, whether we’re consumed by anger, worry and stress, or just simply letting our minds wander.
The federal gift and estate tax exemption is currently the highest it has been since the tax was enacted over 100 years ago. President Joe Biden has proposed drastically changing the estate tax in order to raise revenues for his infrastructure plans.