The media has had a lot to say about the bad weather earlier this year and tough economic data. My fear is the worrisome news could lead you to conclude that the business cycle is weakening underneath you and that it is time to hoard cash and say “no” to new initiatives.
Between Social Security, Medicare and corporate or individual taxes, most business owners I know pay anywhere from 20% to 30% of their net income to the federal government.
In this month’s issue of Supply House Times, you’ll notice quite a bit of attention being given to the next generation of leaders in our industry. This goes to show just how important a topic this is and will continue to be.
The spring PVF Roundtable takes place Tuesday, May 20 at the Westin Galleria in Houston.
April 11, 2014
The PVF Roundtable is coming off another record-setting event in February, which was headlined by Chicago Tube & Iron President and CEO Dr. Don McNeeley’s keynote address.
Ashley Martin and Katie Poehling first crossed paths at a University of Notre Dame college football game in 2004. Martin was there with her father, Rex Martin, the owner of Elkhart, Ind.-based valves, fittings, PEX and industrial plastics manufacturer NIBCO.
As I write this letter, our industry has already entered into the busy buying group season. Next will be the summer months and soon after NetworkASA 2014, ASA’s annual convention, will be upon us.