As I write my second-to-last letter having just returned from 2013 in Washington D.C., “refreshed” and “enthusiastic” are two terms that come to mind from not only my perspective as ASA president, but also as a convention attendee.
With Halloween having recently passed, I recall as a child going to a haunted house at our town’s American Legion hall. While other children were screaming, I looked at the costumed American Legion worker holding a fake chainsaw and gave him a “come on, now” look as I shook my head and walked away.
Poehling and Adams received IPD and Plumbing Division awards.
November 26, 2013
Joe Poehling of Madison, Wis.-based First Supply and Pat Adams of Kansas City, Mo.-based MKS Pipe and Valve Co. were presented with ASA’s 2013 IPD and Plumbing Division awards of excellence respectively at NetworkASA 2013 in Washington.
ASA Members Take to Capitol Hill During Historic and Turbulent Times.
November 26, 2013
ASA members participating in NetworkASA 2013 in Washington, D.C., Oct. 2-4 experienced a wide range of emotions during their stay in our nation’s capital.
Bleeding occurs in many ways. External bleeding is most commonly the result of cuts, abrasions and lacerations, but in severe cases may arise as the consequence of avulsions, puncture, impalement or amputation.
The Industrial Careers Pathway Steering Committee recently held its annual retreat in Rosemont, Ill.,
October 1, 2013
The Industrial Careers Pathway Steering Committee recently held its annual retreat in Rosemont, Ill., where it reviewed its current strategic plan, refined its action goals and progress metrics and developed a new three-year plan to advance the company’s mission to meet the need for a skilled industrial distribution workforce that will be challenged by an expected demographic shift.