Pam Henderson, president of New Edge, ASA’s partner in delivering the Vitality growth assessment survey to membership, hosted a panel of industry professionals at NETWORK2022 in Chicago recently to discuss their experiences with ASA’s Vitality Growth Assessment Tool.
When I open the ballroom door and enter the 2022 DPHA conference, the booths catch my eye but I am looking for familiar industry wide faces and those new personalities that i do not know. The DPHA conference is all about the decorative plumbing and hardware, period. It presents me with the opportunity to see new products from decorative plumbing and hardware focused vendors, industry relevant education sessions and opportunities to interact with the people that manage and own DPHA businesses.
Fantham served as ASA president in 2015 and was at the helm and played a key role during that timeframe when ASA was able to add a critical codes and standards staff position. Fantham currently is doing a second stint on the ASA board of directors, while many Hajoca team members are volunteer leaders serving on a variety of different ASA advisory councils, task groups and special interest divisions.
I have been fortunate this past year to have traveled the country as ASA president and was able to speak to many different groups. Each time, I talked about what I call the base case for what ASA delivers to its members, which is impressive on its own.
InSinkErator’s commitment to ASA, the industry and product innovation.
December 7, 2022
When looking back on the history of InSinkErator®, it’s clear there are two keys that have contributed to this company’s 90-year run of success: technology and industry partnerships.
The National Kitchen and Bath Association (NKBA) had a monumental year in 2022. It kicked off with the first in-person Kitchen and Bath Industry Show (KBIS) event since 2020. Additionally, in October, NKBA moved from Hackettstown, New Jersey to its brand new headquarters in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania.
In an industry where mergers and acquisitions often get a bad reputation, it’s important to recognize the cases where the merging of two companies is of the best interest of each party and their respective customer bases. This was on full display in 2019 when two longstanding PVF product suppliers decided to merge into one powerhouse.