A vendor creates the product and the distributor takes it to market; a simple, linear process that has evolved over many decades to best leverage the strengths of each player, and offset their weaknesses.
My number-one goal as 2020 ASA president is to drive ASA programs deeper into our member organizations so our members and their employees can "get in the game!"
The annual ASA Safety Award, sponsored by the ASA Safety Committee, recognizes ASA members that have shown they have gone above and beyond in the area of worker safety.
We have heard it a thousand times, marketing is now a dialogue; it is no longer just simply post and pray. When we post to our websites, Facebook or Instagram, we can see how many people visit, who they are and which of our products and stories they like.
I was sitting next to a 99-year-old woman in an auditorium. I knew she was 99 because she introduced herself as Irene and told me her exact age. Then she sat back and waited for me to say something.
Since this issue includes bath and kitchen trends, Showroom of the Year and distribution software technology, I spent quite a bit of time talking to showroom operations managers and owners.
We have all been focused on COVID-19, and with all of the rapid changes occurring related to the pandemic, it is difficult to write an article that is not outdated before the publication date.