In 1988 when I quit my job as the national service manager for a major HVAC equipment company to become an editor for an HVACR trade magazine, I was asked by then-ACCA Director Jim Norris to look into the question of whether CFCs (particularly R11 and R12) were damaging our planet by destroying the earth’s protective ozone layer.
ASHRAE proposed changes that would have added the provision of addendums “D” and “H” of ASHRAE 15 to the 2021 edition of the IAPMO Uniform Mechanical Code.
Very few Americans are, but that was the title of the short, silent film I watched on YouTube. The United States Bureau of Mines Department of Commerce made it during the 1920s, and it’s filled with drama and also an annoying surprise.
Heart disease and heart-related emergencies have become quite common in today’s world. Almost everyone has either been personally impacted or knows someone who has been affected by a heart health issue or cardiac emergency situation.