“American Plumber Stories,” a YouTube docuseries hosted by Craig Morgan, aims to promote plumbing as a career. Directed by Spencer Brown of Pfister, it has become a cultural symbol for the plumbing community, inspiring trade school teachers to incorporate it into their curriculum and receiving positive feedback for its impact.
Supply House Times Chief Editor Natalie Forster sat down with LPG Executive Director Jeff MacDowell to get a detailed update on all the happenings at LPG.
In the fourth edition of the Bath & Kitchen Pro eBook you’ll find both residential and commercial product and design trends, showroom display trends, economic indicators and more!
At Bradford White, we are committed to our industry and customers. Our partnership with the American Supply Association (ASA) plays a huge role in fostering these relationships.
Lion Plumbing Supply's renovated Kitchen + Bath Design Center in Miami won the 2024 Showroom of the Year award. It is described as "running on all eight" by the company's President, Paul Gentile, and is located across the street from Lion's wholesale counter known for its high fill rate and same-day delivery.
Upon my initial use of ChatGPT-3, I was genuinely impressed by its capabilities and responsiveness. It seemed like a significant advancement in AI technology compared to its predecessors. What were your initial impressions when you first used it?
Building on an exciting year and laying the groundwork for continued success, AD members and supplier partners maximized their time together at the 2024 AD Decorative Brands Division Annual Meeting, which ran from May 6-8.
Some people find bathrooms lacking in style and individuality. Despite our best efforts, many bathrooms and kitchens lack a unique design statement that reflects the owner's personal taste. So, where is the color and creativity?
KBIS' most valuable connections were unplanned conversations that opened doors and offered fresh perspectives. Read for attendee takeaways and product trends.